Putri was playing in the forest when she got chased by monsters! Luckily, a forest fairy named Peri is here to protect her. Help them get rid of the monsters!

A small game with Indonesian ghosts as enemies. This game was inspired by Plants vs Zombies.

Dani - Programmer, Character Artist & Animator 

Albert - Programmer

Alfani Alfian Djie - Programmer

M. Ferrari Firmansyah - Programmer, Game Designer, UI/UX Artist

Made as part of our Final Project in GameLab.ID


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Cool stuff bro! The art's unique and it's quite fun for me to play. The game's interactive and has a storyline in it. Really reminded me of the days back when I was a PvZ maniac, haha.

The game was great and I wish you luck on future developments!

thank you so much for playing our game!


Gimnya bagus apalagi artnya lucu lucu, lancar terus development gim nya :)

makasih udah mainin game nya <3


gamenya keren, walaupun agak susah... tapi kayaknya saya sih yang gak jago mainnya hahaha

sukses selalu, semoga lancar kembangin gamenya.

makasih banget feedbacknyaaa hehe